Video & Audio Recordings

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From God's Point of View

Isaiah 55:6-9, Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30, Matthew 10:1-16
Pastor Scott Rische
Sept. 20, 2020

15th Sunday after Pentecost

Matthew 18:21-35
Pastor Dan Wurster
September 13, 2020

In The Name of Jesus

Matthew 18:1-20
Pastor Dan Wurster
Sept. 6, 2020

Soli Deo Gloria

Isaiah 55:10-11
Pastor Neil Bloom
Aug 30, 2020

God's Inscrutable Wisdom

Roman's 11:33-36
Pastor Neil Bloom
Aug. 23, 2020

Tenacious in Prayer

Matthew 15:21-28
Pastor Neil Bloom
August 16, 2020

God's Response to Our Suffering

Job 38:4-18
Pastor Neil Bloom
August 9, 2020
