Video & Audio Recordings

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Believing What You Don't See

John 20:19-31
Pastor Neil Bloom
April 28, 2019

Resurrection Hoax

1 Corinthians 15:19-23
Pastor Neil Bloom
Easter 2019

The Cross of Christ: Where Justice and Love Met

James 2:13b, 1 Corinthians 15:3
Pastor Neil Bloom
Good Friday 2019

Comfort for Troubled Hearts

Luke 26:21-28
Pastor Neil Bloom
Maundy Thursday 2019

Jesus, the Criminal, Comes to Save

Luke 23:1-56
Pastor Neil Bloom
April 14, 2019

The Cross of Christ: No Longer Condemned

Colossians 2:13-15
Pastor Neil Bloom
Wed. April 10, 2019

Good Works: Treasure or Trash?

Philippian 3:8-14
Pastor Neil Bloom
April 7, 2019
